Tobacco products exempt from mandatory labelling

Manufacturers and importers of tobacco products are exempt from paying the state duty for mandatory labelling, reports Trend News Agency.

The issue was brought up in context with the proposed amendment to the law ‘On state duty’, which was being discussed at a meeting of the Azerbaijani Parliament’s (Milli Majlis) Committee on Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship and at a parliamentary meeting.
The amendment that was put to a vote and accepted on the first reading, states that manufacturers and importers of tobacco products are exempt from paying the state duty provided for in Article 20-3.2.1 of this law for mandatory labelling of these products within one month from the date of receipt of the notification from the authority established by the relevant executive authority on connection to the information system, according to Trend News Agency.
The period may be extended by the body five times but not more than for a month.

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