Tobacco sales reach USD 570 million

Zimbabwe’s tobacco selling season has been a success with sales now reaching 204 million kgs resulting in earnings of USD 570 million, reports The Herald.

The auction floors closed in the middle of July, however contract floors were granted an extension since high volumes of tobacco are still being delivered. The huge majority (96 per cent) of tobacco was sold via contract this season with only four per cent changing hands via the auctions floors, according to The Herald.
The season has been a very successful one, despite COVID-19, with 204 million kgs of tobacco sold compared to 180 million kgs last season, according to statistics from the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB). In total, 86,913 bales were rejected, 26 882 at the auction floors and 60 031 at the contract floors meaning the rejection rate was lower at auction.
Farmers have reportedly been happy with the season and the payment modalities, which had presented problems last year.

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