Tobacco stocks remain stable

Tobacco stocks had a good first half of the year 2021, reports Die Tabakzeitung (DTZ).

Two out of five stocks outperformed the MSCI World index, which was 13 per cent higher at the end of June than at the start of the year in January. In the same period, Altria gained 14 per cent and PMI shares climbed by as much as 18.6 per cent.
According to DTZ, investors currently have to think about how sustainable they consider the official withdrawal of many companies from the classic tobacco business. In fact, most companies still make more than 90 per cent of their sales and profits in their traditional core business. A look at the dividend yields proves that they are successful. They range between 4.9 (PMI) and 8.9 percent (Imperial Brands). At the same time, the tobacco companies impress with high stability in their payouts, DTZ said. This also shows that even decreasing smoking rates, growing regulations, advertising bans and other restrictions cannot harm the business too much.

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