Tough new vaping laws for South Australia

The state government has announced tough vaping and smoking laws for South Australia, geared at curbing cigarette and e-cigarette use, reports The Australian.

The new laws mean more public places such as areas around schools, shopping centres, certain buildings, beaches and sporting grounds have been added to list of where it is illegal to smoke or vape. Fines will also be increased with those found to be selling tobacco to minors facing fines of AUD 2,400 (USD 1,618), up from AUD 1,200 (USD 809) with the maximum fine going up from AUD 5,000 to AUD 10,000.
Business caught supplying cigarettes or vapes will face fines of up to AUD 40,000 compared to AUD 20,000 previously, reports The Australian.
The maximum court fine for a business caught supplying cigarettes or vapes to children will increase from $20,000 to $40,000.
“Some of those fines, particularly for selling to underage people, we believe need to be much higher … to send a clear message about selling cigarettes and vapes to young people [which] is absolutely prohibited,” said Health Minister Chris Picton.
The government will also introduce a trial program which will see residents received AUD 150 in supermarket vouchers if they give up smoking.
The new laws and incentive program are aimed at reducing the proportion of the state’s smokers from 9.8 per cent of daily tobacco users in 2021 to 6 per cent in 2027, reports The Australian.

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