TTM changes factory plans

Thailand Tobacco Monopoly (TTM) will reduce its investment in a planned factory near Bangkok and seek another estate in which to build a second plant, as it aims to mitigate against the risk of natural disaster.

The nation reported managing director Torsak Chotimongkol as saying that TTM remained committed to investing in Rojana Industrial Park in Ayutthaya province, but that production capacity would be cut to 60-65 per cent of the original plan.
The estate was severely flooded last year. But as piling work had already been completed, TTM will continue its investment at Rojana.
TTM wants to build another factory in the North of the country, where a large share of the tobacco crop is grown. If the board approves the plan, the proposal will then be forwarded to the Cabinet.
Torsak said TTM wants to improve its risk management by taking precautions to mitigate against natural disasters so as to avoid a repetition of last year's severe flooding. (pi) 

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