Two-thirds support disposable ban

About two thirds of the Irish people want the government to ban the sale of disposable e-cigarettes, Mayolive reports.

An Ipsos survey found that 64 per cent of respondents support the ban of disposable e-cigarettes, while 28 per cent oppose the measure and 8 per cent are unsure. The findings were released ahead of the government’s public consultation period on disposable e-vaping devices.
Just over one thousand adults aged 15 and over participated in the Ipsos survey between 3-15 July.
Of the 1,016 people questioned, 57´per cent in the 15-24 age group supported a disposable vape ban, while half of the 24-35 cohort were in favour. The majority of all other age groups who took part in the survey also agreed the sale of disposable vapes in Ireland should end.
In its submission to the government, the Irish Heart Foundation said a Health Research Board study showed that teenagers who use vapes are between three and five times more likely to start smoking than those who don’t. Mark Murphy, Advocacy Manager, Environmental Health and Tobacco, with the Irish Heart Foundation said: “There is simply no place for disposable vapes in Ireland, and we need to ban them now. They are fuelling teenage vaping and nicotine addiction while damaging our planet. These single-use vapes are designed as fashionable, trendy lifestyle products which make them highly appealing to young people. Moreover, their sleek design makes them easy to hide from parents and teachers. Ireland led the way with its workplace smoking ban, but we are fast losing ground again in the fight against tobacco addiction. We simply cannot allow another generation of young people to become addicted to nicotine.”

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