USD 415 million in tobacco sales so far

The current tobacco sale season has seen 152 million kilogrammes worth USD 415 million sold so far according to statistics from the TIMB, reports Zimbabwe Situation.

The statistics from the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) show that of the 152 million kilogrammes of tobacco sold, 136,218 bales were sold via auction and 1,880,326 through contract floors. This marks a 40 per cent increase compared to the volume of tobacco sold during the same period last year.
The highest price on the auction floors has been USD 4.99 per kg and USD 6.70 per kg at the contract floors. Up until now, 78.868 tobacco bales have been rejected which rejection rates higher at auction floors than at contract floors, reports Zimbabwe Situation.
Farmers have been happy with how the season is progressing so far especially in terms of payment modalities. COVID-19 is also still a topic and Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union president, Dr Shadreck Makombe, has urged farmers to continue following the regulations for their own sake and better health.
“We encourage farmers to abide by the Covid-19 regulations for betterment of people’s health because we only have one life,” he said.

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