Ventures and Nicoventures settle patent dispute Fontem

Fontem granted Nicoventures Holdings a non-exclusive licence for e-vapour technology patents for an undisclosed sum. It was the latest in a series of settlements with vaping companies including Spark Industries, Ballantyne Brands, Electronic Cigarettes International and NJoy.
Based in the Netherlands, Fontem Ventures markets the vaping brand Blu as a result of the deal in which Imperial Brands acquired some Lorillard products in the Reynolds American takeover of the former US tobacco company. UK-based Nicoventures, founded by BAT in 2011, manufactures the e-cigarette Vype. Hon Lik, also known as Han Li, teamed up with Fontem Ventures in 2013 after Fontem acquired his vaping technologies from the Hon company, Dragonite International.

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