Vinataba appointed as only cigarette importer

The Vietnam Tobacco Corporation (Vinataba), a state owned corporation, will be the only enterprise with the right to import cigarettes and cigars for the next 3 years.

Under its WTO commitments, Vietnam has lifted the ban on cigar and cigarette imports. However, there will be only one enterprise allowed to import cigarettes and cigars.
In the circular on cigarette and cigar import management promulgated on 10 January 2007, imported cigarettes and cigars must register for the protection of their trademarks in Vietnam, obey the regulations stipulated for the products circulating in Vietnam’s market. There must be clear information about the place of production and other information on the packaging of the products. In addition, it is compulsory to write down on the packaging that the products are being sold for distribution in Vietnam.
Cigarettes and cigars that are being imported for the first time must be examined by Vietnamese authorities before being circulated on the market. (pi)

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