Women sue over lung disease

Three Finnish women suffering from various lung afflictions are suing the Nordic unit of British American Tobacco and Finland's Amer.

In a case that could set a precedent in Europe, the women, aged 64, 58 and 52, are claiming Euro 348,000 (USD 529,402) in damages from the Nordic unit of British American Tobacco and Finland's Amer, which manufactured cigarettes until 2004 under licence from Altria's Philip Morris.
The plaintiffs argue the women were not aware of the dangers of smoking when they started in their teenage years, and that the tobacco companies hid and publicly denied that cigarettes cause various diseases. Two of the women have had lung cancer and all three have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Their lawyers also argue that since the 1970s the tobacco companies have marketed light cigarettes as a healthier option. A 2002 European Union directive banned the description of cigarettes as "mild" or "light".
Both companies deny the charges. The hearings are expected to last until May with a decision due later in the year. (pi)

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