Cigarettes to become more expensive

The Bangladesh government plans to increase cigarette prices to reduce the consumption of tobacco products and maximise revenue from this sector, reports Dhaka Tribune.

Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal read out the proposals for the financial year 2022-2023 in Parliament on 9 June. Under the minister's proposals, the minimum price for 10 sticks of low-tier cigarettes will be BTD 40 (USD 0.42) (an increase of BTD 1 over the previous fiscal year), with an additional tax of 57 per cent. The minimum price of mid-tier cigarettes (10 sticks) will be BTD 65 (an increase of BTD 2), high-tier cigarettes BTD 111 (an increase of BTD 9) and premium-tier cigarettes BTD 142 (an increase of BTD 7), with an additional tax of 65 per cent on all three price categories.
However, bidi prices will remain unchanged, according to the report.

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