Court brakes FDA on warning graphics

A federal court in Washington D.C. has blocked Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to require cigarette companies label their product with explicit graphics depicting the health hazards of smoking.

Introduction of nine FDA-approved graphics planned for September, 2012 must await a final court ruling, said U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon in a preliminary injunction issued 7 Nov. Should the FDA prevail, the graphics rule can take effect 15 months after a final court ruling.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Lorillard, Commonwealth Brands, Ligget Group and Reynolds American subsidiary Santa Fe Natural Tobacco requested the injunction.
 “Plaintiffs have demonstrated a substantial likelihood that they will prevail on the merits of their position that these mandatory graphic images unconstitutionally compel speech, and that they will suffer irreparable harm absent injunctive relief pending a judicial review of the constitutionality of the FDA's Rule,” Leon said in his opinion accompanying the injunction. (ci)

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