E-cigarettes sold by Uber drivers

Rideshare drivers in Australia have been selling e-cigarettes through Uber, after the Australian government announced it would ban the import and sale of nicotine-containing vaporisers in October 2021, reports Daily Mail Australia.

Images taken from inside vehicles in Sydney and Brisbane show advertisements for e-cigarettes openly displayed in the back of vehicles. Instagram and TikTok accounts have also been set up calling themselves "UberVapes" and offering customers "free delivery" for purchasing the devices, the report said.
Since 1 October, a prescription from a doctor has been required to legally import and purchase e-cigarettes in Australia. The decision was heavily criticised at the time, with experts saying it will do little to stop the widespread use of vapes in Australia.
According to the report, Theo Foukkare, CEO of the Australian Association of Convenience Stores (AACC), said the government policy had become a "laughing stock" as the banned items were now easy available for sale in Ubers and online.

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