EU court upholds menthol ban

The EU high court dismissed a complaint by Poland against the ban on menthol cigarettes, saying it belongs within the ban on characterising flavours which is part of the revised Tobacco Products Directive that enters into effect on 20 May.

Dismissal of the Polish complaint, which was supported by Romania, was part of a statement by the Court of Justice of the European Union that also validated larger health warnings on tobacco packaging, plain packs and first-ever rules for e-cigarettes.
Menthol cigarettes are to be phased out by 2020 under the Directive, which has yet to be implemented into national law by all 28 EU member states.
Addressing larger health warnings mandated by the revised Directive, the court said, “the EU legislature did not go beyond the limits of what is appropriate and necessary.” Complaints from the tobacco industry that portions of the Directive run contrary to the EU principle of harmonized trade were rejected. The court also upheld the EU’s authority to restrict nicotine in e-cigarettes to 20 mg/ml.
The statement is available at:

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