Excise tax rise takes effect

As of 1 July, the excise tax on cigarettes, cigars and tobacco was raised in Latvia, reports the Baltic Course.

The excise tax on cigarettes increased from the minimum level of LVL 48 (EUR 13.9) per 1,000 cigarettes to LVL 52 (EUR 15) per 1,000 cigarettes. The specific excise tax rate on cigarettes was raised from LVL 22.5 per 1,000 cigarettes to LVL 25 per 1,000 cigarettes.
The excise tax on cigars increased from LVL 24 per 1,000 cigars to LVL 26 per 1,000 cigars.
The excise tax rate on tobacco was raised from LVL 29 per kilogram of tobacco to LVL 34 per kilogram of tobacco.
The parliament, Saeima, adopted amendments to the excise tax on cigarettes, strong spirits and gasoline on 14 April to boost budget revenue. It expects to collect an additional LVL 14.53 million this year and LVL 37.56 million in 2012. Of this, LVL 3.6 million will come from the increase in cigarette excise tax in 2011, and LVL 8.66 million in 2012 and 2013. (pi)

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