FDA releases final deeming rule

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a final set of regulations to extend its tobacco product regulatory authority to e-cigarettes, cigars, hookah and pipe tobacco.

Provisions of what is called the final deeming rule will take effect 90 days after publication, which is slated for 10 May in the Federal Register. The rule will require manufacturers submit new products to the FDA for approval, report ingredients to the agency and place regulator-approved health warnings on packaging. Sales to persons under 18 will be prohibited.
For e-cigarettes, the 15 Feb, 2007 grandfather date, after which all products must be approved by FDA, remains in effect. Legislation to move that date forward is before Congress. As it stands, nearly everything connected with vaping must be approved by FDA because there was no US vaping sector prior to 2007.
However FDA said manufacturers will be allowed to sell their products for up to two years while they prepare market authorization requests, and another year while FDA reviews the applications.
The final deeming rule is available at: https://goo.gl/xV4kYa

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