Imperial faces Quitline lawsuit

Imperial Tobacco faces legal action for using the ‘Quitline’ telephone number on a 40th-anniversary insert in Escort cigarette packets.

The insert says that, after 40 years, South Australia's top cigarette brand is "still leading the way with a rich blend of Virginia-style tobaccos and a smooth, generous flavour". "Proudly, the tradition continues," it says. The heading underneath the caption states that "Smoking kills" and the Quitline national telephone number is provided.
Quit Victoria deputy director, Suzanne Stillman, said the Quitline number was owned by the Victorian branch. Legal action was being considered. "We are concerned about the possible linking of the Quitline (and) Escort," she said. "Using the packet or inserts in packets in any way is a part of the promotion of smoking, part of the promotion of cigarettes. It's one of our great concerns. We will be looking at the legality of Imperial Tobacco using the Quitline number without our permission."
Stillman said while the use of the Quitline number on packets was subject to legislation, further use was not.

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