New H.B. Fuller tech centre in 2014

H.B. Fuller is building a new technical centre to strengthen the company hub in Lüneburg, Germany, and continue transformation of its European business, the adhesives manufacturer said.

Covering an area of 2,300 square metres (24,757 sq ft), the centre will be divided into a section with offices and laboratories, a customer centre where tests and demonstrations can be held and a third section containing a staff canteen and meeting rooms. The building should be finished by late summer of next year, the company said.
"Our capabilities in Germany are critical to H.B. Fuller's growth strategy , said Jim Owens, president and chief executive officer. "We are committed to growth around the world, and with the construction of this world-class technical centre, we strengthen our hub in Lüneburg and take another step forward in the transformation of our European business."

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