New podcast with TTI’s George Cassel-Smith on "Business Insights"

“Business Insights” has released a new podcast with George Cassel-Smith, CEO of Tobacco Technologies (TTI) and Managing Director of Zanoprima Lifesciences, a company that manufactures synthetic nicotine.

The market for alternative tobacco products is booming. However, many producers of NGP innovations are finding themselves up against stricter government regulations that make production and sales more difficult. This is also the subject of the latest episode of the InterTabac podcast 'Tobacco & Vape, News & Views' which this time welcomes George Cassel-Smith, CEO of Tobacco Technologies and Zanoprima Lifesciences, a manufacturer of synthetic nicotine.
In the podcast, Cassel-Smith talks about the impact of the new regulatory regime for synthetic nicotine. He is critical of the arrangements – in his view, synthetic nicotine is less harmful because it does not contain heavy metals or waste products. “The authorities should be welcoming synthetic nicotine with open arms. If some producers switched from natural to synthetic nicotine, the products would be a lot healthier,” says George Cassel-Smith. He says natural nicotine also depends on a good tobacco harvest, with poor harvests causing price rises – and ultimately selective supply rationing – whereas nicotine created in a laboratory neatly circumvents all these issues.

The podcast is now available online at:

The 'Tobacco & Vape, News & Views' podcast appears on Business Insights, the interactive platform of InterTabac, the world's largest trade show for tobacco products and smoking accessories. This will take place in Dortmund from 15 to 17 September along with InterSupply, the leading trade show for manufacturing processes behind tobacco products, e-cigarettes, pipes and hookahs.

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