Paper shortage hits tobacco industry

Philip Morris is running out of certain packaging for its cigarettes. Especially popular sizes are now sold out in many places throughout Germany, reports wiwo.

Philip Morris is currently only able to supply cigarettes to German retailers to a limited extent. According to a company spokesperson, there is a shortage of certain pack sizes. Standard packs of 22 Marlboro Gold cigarettes, for example, are therefore hardly available at many kiosks, supermarkets and petrol stations.
"Due to the tense situation on the raw material markets worldwide, such as the shortage of cardboard packaging, shortages may occur in the short term – but only for individual pack sizes," said the spokesperson. Consumers would have to switch to other pack sizes. Philip Morris is now working on reorganising the supply chain to solve the problem.
According to the report, Europe's leading producer of cigarette packaging, Vienna-based Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG, confirmed the current problems among cigarette manufacturers. A factory the group operates in Ukraine is currently unable to produce, a spokesperson said. But that is not the primary reason for the shortage, he added. Rather, Mayr-Melnhof can simply not get hold of enough cardboard for the cigarette packaging. This, in turn, is often supplied directly by the cigarette manufacturers. The spokesperson could not say how long the bottleneck would last.
In addition to the war in Ukraine and the sanctions, which are affecting energy-intensive cardboard production, there is currently also a shortage of pulp, which is needed for cardboard production.

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